Same Day Crowns


What is CEREC technology ?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics, or CEramic REConstruction) is a method of CAD/CAM dentistry for creating dental restorations. The process allows dentists to construct, produce, and insert individual ceramic restorations directly at the point of treatment (chairside) in a single appointment, rather than over multiple appointments with lab work in between.

How does the process take place ?

After tooth preparation, the dentist makes a digital impression, generally using an intraoral scanner (or camera). Normally, patients respond better to digital impressions where there is no need to have a mouthful of impression materials.

The digital impression is sent to the corresponding designing software where the dentist constructs the tooth restoration on a screen and then passes on the finished construction to a milling machine via the office network.

The restoration is milled out of a color-matched ceramic block in just 6 to 15 minutes. The dentist can then add the finishing touches to the restoration by painting, polishing, and glazing it, before cementing it on the prepared teeth.

Main benefits

CEREC technology makes it possible to produce and integrate ceramic restorations in a single appointment. In addition, digital impressions are more comfortable for patients than traditional impressions.

CEREC restorations are extremely reliable. The technology allows dentists to use modern ceramics (for example, the eMax ceramic), which are extremely durable and long lasting.

The marginal fit of the CEREC crowns is very accurate due to the high precision of the scanning machines, so marginal integrity is great provided the crown is properly designed.


Generally, CEREC crowns require one longer visit to provide the crown than two shorter appointments needed for a traditional ceramic crown. Although the fitting process is more likely a bit longer with CEREC, everything is done at one appointment.